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Taichi Classes in Baduanjin Qigong from Heriot Watt University
Heriot Watt University is offering Taichi classes in Baduanjin Qigong, which is one of the most common types of qigong that is used for exercise.

Confucius Institute Winter Term Classes Starts From 25 January 2021
All winter classes will be delivered remotely using the online platform Zoom. To optimise the learning experience a maximum capacity has been set per group – so space is very limited! Please note bookings will close 7 days before the term start date.

Confucius Institute 5 Week Calligraphy Class – Starts 20 January 2021
This class will be delivered digitally using the online platform Zoom. To optimise the learning experience a maximum capacity has been set per group – so space is very limited!

Confucius Institute 5 Week Landscape Brush Painting Class – Starts 19 January 2021
This class will be delivered digitally using the online platform Zoom. To optimise the learning experience a maximum capacity has been set per group – so space is very limited!

New Courses with the Scottish Confucius Institute For Business And Communication at Heriot-Watt University
New courses are now available with the Scottish Confucius Institute For Business And Communication at Heriot-Watt University.

Confucius Institute Courses Are Now Online
The Confucius Institute have switched their CI courses to be online courses.

Spring Intensive Courses at the Confucius Institute
Spring Intensive Courses in Business Chinese for Beginners and Post Beginners running in April and May this year:

Scholarships for Master's Degrees in China
The Hopkins-Nanjing Center Washington Office would like you to know about opportunities for students to earn a graduate certificate or master’s degree in China,

Tianjin Scholarship 2020-21
The application process for the 2020-2021 Tianjin Scholarship is now open.

Chinese Cultural Classes at the Eric Liddell Centre
The Eric Liddell Centre in partnership with the Confucius Institute at Heriot Watt University are offering Chinese Cultural Classes this Autumn.

Chinese Cultural Classes and Activities at the Eric Liddell Centre
An upcoming programme of Chinese Cultural Classes and Activities will be taking place at the Eric Liddell Centre.

2019 Chinese Proficiency Test Summer Camp
The 2019 Chinese Proficiency Test Summer Camp for students aged between 14 and 22 from Hanban UK is still taking applicants.

April and May Intensive Chinese Language Courses
This course requires no prior knowledge in Chinese and it aims to provide you with a basic knowledge of the Chinese economy, aspects of contemporary Chinese human relations and behaviour.

Edinburgh Chinese School 2018/19 Enrolment
爱丁堡中文学校現已接受报名, 表格可在学校网址下載 或于星期六(六月二日起)亲临本校索取。

Confucius Institute Summer Chinese Classes
Our newly designed summer school programme will run between 2 July and 2 August 2018. This year we will offer both Daytime and Evening classes.

Chinese Opera Educational Events in August
*Firstly Seto Yok, the great Chinese Opera Singer from Hong Kong, will be giving a short and inspiring educational performance:

Chinese Arts and Culture Festival in Edinburgh
From Jie Song, Chairman: The Scotland China Chamber of Commerce is holding the 3rd Chinese Arts and Culture Festival on August 12.

Access China UK | Sister schools | Chinese Exchanges
Access China UK is improving the lives of 1,000,000 students world wide through world leading Access to China-UK Sister school partnerships,