SCEN - Scotland China Education Network

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Letter from Simon Macaulay


I am honoured to succeed Dr Judith McClure as Chair of SCEN, and together with Morag Anderson as Vice-Chair we shall undertake to implement the suggestions contained in the recently published Review of SCEN - Ten Years On and The Future.

Chair and Founder of SCEN, Dr Judith McClure CBE, retired at the end of June and SCEN intends to acknowledge fully Judith's magnificent contribution in Scotland over many years to the learning and teaching of Chinese language and about China. We shall be hosting a reception at The Hub, Castlehill, Edinburgh on Thursday 20th September at 6pm .

I am passionate about the journey on which Judith embarked nearly twelve years ago and have an absolute commitment to taking forward that work in the years to come. At its heart, SCEN is about encouraging more and more young people in Scotland to learn the Chinese language and about China. In this, we shall continue to work closely with all our partners in this vital work.

SCEN has already planned a number of events for the next few months and more details will be provided as they approach:-


  • Wednesday 12th/Thursday 13th - At Edinburgh Castle there will be a major performance of Hong Kong Opera, featuring the celebrated opera star Seto Yok. This will be hosted by SCEN Vice-President Nigel Fong.

  • Friday 21st - SCEN Youth Committee


  • Friday 9th - SCEN Youth Summit at Perth Concert Hall

SCEN is also looking to host a major conference about the future of Mandarin teaching in Scotland in the spring of 2019.

I look forward very much to future discussions and meeting you at our events.

With best wishes,
Simon Macaulay