Connecting Classrooms


Shanghai, 23-25 October 2013

Debate, share and learn with education leaders, head teachers and policy makers on school leadership.

In a highly globalised and rapidly changing world, many jobs needed in twenty years' time do not exist today, so how can we be confident young people are equipped to compete and succeed in their futures?

Join our international conference 'Leading for the 21st Century' to debate how school leadership should and will play an active role in making the education work for each and every child.

Around the world, school leaders are being given increasing autonomy and accountability for the learning experience and outcomes of young people. Our conference will bring together a range of policy makers, researchers and school leaders to look at issues that define and shape current thinking in education.

Conference themes:

  • Autonomy and accountability

  • School-led development - challenges and responses

  • Succeeding in a globalised world

  • Leading learning and curriculum

  • Growing a new generation of leaders

  • Cultural and behaviour change making it work

  • Practice and innovations

  • Opportunities to visit high performing schools in Shanghai

Speakers will include sector professionals from the UK, China, Hong Kong and Singapore.

For more information and to register for the conference visit

  • Cost - £450 including conference pack and four nights' accommodation. Flights and visa not included.

  • Dates - 23-25 October 2013

Where - Shanghai, China


New Confucius Institute for the University of Aberdeen


China Strategy - Launch of Information Hub