China Strategy - Launch of Information Hub

The China Strategy Implementation and Delivery Forum

The first meeting of this Forum has now taken place, chaired by Mark Boyce, the Head of the China and Americas Team at the Scottish Government.  A wide range of stakeholders attended and the educational objectives were well understood and represented. Altogether there was an atmosphere of team work and a commitment to share information. So do see if the new online China Hub may help you in your work:

The Scottish Government's China Strategy Working With China outlines a commitment to facilitating more regular sharing of information between stakeholders by developing a central hub for information on Scotland-China links.  We are pleased to announce that the hub has gone live today and provide instructions for accessing it below. 

It is not intended to be a catch-all on China - but provide a space to share the progress, development and opportunities as we move forwards in implementing the China Strategy.  Although the Scottish Government will facilitate the site, it will be collectively owned and as strong as its network of users.  We encourage you to post and share information and would welcome feedback as the hub continues to develop. 


The Information Hub can be found on LinkedIn.  This is a business-based social networking website, accessible in more than 200 countries around the world, including both in Scotland and China.

In order to access the Information Hub, membership to LinkedIn is required.  Registration is free and is completed via a very quick and simple process at LinkedIn's homepage -

Once signed in to a LinkedIn account, the Hub can be accessed via this link - - a search for "Scotland and China" the search engine at the top of the LinkedIn homepage will also locate the Hub.


The Hub currently consists of a main content "group" named "Scotland and China."  Within this, are four subgroups which are arranged per priority of the China Strategy, namely:

  • Sino-Scottish Trade and Investment

  • Scottish Education Links with China

  • Research and Development Links between China and Scotland

  • Scotland and China's Culture, Sport, and Tourism Links

There is also a fifth subgroup for members of the "China Strategy - Implementation and Delivery Forum."

These groups provide a platform for members to discuss relevant issues and post informative material.  If you wish to upload documents - please forward to the China Team who will do this for you and please let us know if there are any news items that you would like highlighted on the main page.  Please note that as this will be facilitated by the Scottish Government, all posts will be subject to the Freedom of Information Act.

Please feel free to forward this message on to relevant contacts.

We would welcome any feedback to this ongoing project at the following email address:


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