SCEN - Scotland China Education Network

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SCEN Meeting at The Royal Society of Edinburgh

On 28 February I went with three other girls from St George's; Bella, Yolanda and Nan, to the SCEN Ambassadors' Meeting at The Royal Society of Edinburgh. I enjoyed this event immensely, listening to talks from such people as Lord Wilson, Isabelle Lui Hui from Heriot-Watt University, who spoke about their Translation and Interpretation course, and many other interesting speakers discussing business and Chinese. In addition there were many other related topics presented by the various speakers. 

Later we were given three topics to discuss. We discussed ideas to raise awareness of Chinese and ways of changing current policies to allow Chinese to be more widely taught. One idea everyone agreed on was encouraging schools to teach Chinese at an early age, as it would be easier for students to begin in Primary school, and prepare them if they were to continue the subject in Secondry school. 

My table came up with many interesting ideas and we all got on really well. I found the meeting very interesting as well as thought-provoking, so I cannot wait for the next one to take place.

Megan, St George's L6R