SCEN - Scotland China Education Network

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Important Opportunities to Share

Dear Members of the SCEN Network,

I am sorry: it's that Rooster again, far too soon. However, she does have some important opportunities to share with you, so please do read on! 

You can also keep updated on SCEN activities on Twitter by following our SCEN Correspondent, Sally Anderson:


Principal Assessor and Deputy Principal Assessor - Higher Chinese languages.
SQA is  inviting applications for a Principal Assessor in Higher Chinese Languages to lead the team. Details of the role can be found at:
SQA is also inviting applications for a Deputy Principal Assessor (DPA) in Higher Chinese Languages. The DPA is a new role in a slightly altered structure which will become operational for Diet 2017. The primary role of the Deputy Principal Assessor is to support the Principal Assessor.
Please find details of this role at: 
Training and support will be provided for both roles.
Please let Anne Andrew know if you have any queries or alternatively contact Jim McDonald, Qualifications Manager, who will also be happy to assist.

Anne Andrew
Recruitment & Training Manager
Appointee Management
Principal Assessor and Deputy Principal Assessor - Higher Chinese languages

Royal Society of Asian Affairs
Scotland Schools Day, 23 February 2017, 10.00 - 3.30pm

The Confucius Institute for Scotland is partnering the Royal Society of Asian Affairs in co-ordinating a Scotland Schools Day, the focus of which is Asia. This event will take place in the University of Edinburgh on Thursday 23 February, running from 10.00 am until 3.30 pm.  Attendance is free and lunch is provided.

The aim is to introduce students to subjects and issues they may not have previously explored, to help inspire them to take a closer interest in Asia. The conference is open to all in the 15-18 age-group, or to younger students with the interest and maturity to benefit from the event.

Travel grants are available to support schools and students who might otherwise be unable to attend.

The programme is currently being finalized, but currently confirmed speakers include

  • Dr Alisdair Alan: MSP, Scottish Government Minister for International Development and Europe

  • Mr Daisuke Matsunaga: Japanese Consul General for Scotland

  • Ben Jones: Explorer and Travel Writer

  • James Brodie: General Manager and Business Adviser, China Britain Business Council Scotland

There will also be a cultural programme featuring Bhangra dancers and Chinese performers, as well as the opportunity for language taster sessions in Arabic, Chinese or Hindi.
Those students with an interest in geography, law, religion, international affairs, social sciences or Asian language pathways should find the day particularly relevant, though students of other disciplines are also welcome.  This is the second Royal Society for Asian Affairs Schools Day in Scotland.

For further information, please contact Shaun McPhee of the RSAA or 0791 334 6611, Monday-Saturday, 10am to 10pm. You can register directly on the RSAA website here. 

Dr Alison Hardie (former Senior Lecturer in Chinese Studies at the University of Leeds)
Chinese Gardens: History, Design and Meanings
Wednesday, February 15, 17:00-19:00
Appleton Tower, 2.14, University of Edinburgh
Description: This illustrated talk will cover the historical development of Chinese gardens, relating this to parallel or contrasting developments in European garden history. It will outline the different types of Chinese gardens, including imperial, private and institutional (temple or academy) gardens. It will consider the cosmological ideas and design principles underlying the layout and features of Chinese gardens. Finally it will discuss the social significations and uses of Chinese gardens, particularly in the late imperial period.
Speaker information: Alison Hardie is the translator of Ji Cheng's 17th-century garden manual, The Craft of Gardens (1988, repr. 2012), and has lectured and written extensively on Chinese garden history. Now semi-retired, she was formerly Senior Lecturer in Chinese Studies at the University of Leeds. She is currently finalising the editorial work on a major anthology of Chinese texts on gardens in English translation to be published by Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection in the USA.

Pass the Panda across Scotland

Conservation charity the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) is excited to announce the official launch of its brand new 'Panda Pass It On' game for schools. The game, which is part of the conservation organisation's Beyond the Panda education programme, launched at four schools in all four corners of Scotland on Tuesday 17 January: St. Patrick's, South Ayrshire; Lasswade High, Midlothian, Portree Primary, Isle of Skye and Forehill Primary, Aberdeen.

With only four copies of the game available, the intention is for schools to keep the fun, learning resource for a week before passing it on to other schools. The panda games will hopefully make their way across Scotland, with each school logging their location through a QR code on the back of the game, which will allow RZSS to follow the games as they travel.
Sandie Robb, Senior Education Officer at the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, said: "I'm incredibly excited about the launch of the Panda Pass It On game. It is the first of its kind and is a fun way for children to learn more about China, its history, culture and language as well as their famous animals, the giant pandas. It will be really interesting to track the games as they travel to different schools."

The game forms an introduction to the Beyond the Panda education programme, which is designed to promote cross-curricular learning, with pupils investigating and discovering more about China. The materials cover Curriculum for Excellence experiences and outcomes in science, topical science, social studies, language and literacy. This is delivered through an outreach programme with fun, interactive games led by an education officer from RZSS, or in the case of the Panda Pass It On game, by itself.

The programme is sponsored by the Confucius Institute for Scotland at the University of Edinburgh with support from the Scotland China Education Network and the Confucius Institute for Scotland's Schools at the University of Strathclyde.

For more information, please visit

Warmest wishes and hoping you will enjoy the week of Chinese New Year Celebrations, from Your Rooster,


Dr Judith McClure CBE
Chair of SCEN