SCEN - Scotland China Education Network

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Confucius Institute Day

To celebrate Confucius Institute Day on September 27th 2014, the Institute are running a Young Photographers' Competition, open to anyone aged 18 or under. We would absolutely love entries from your pupils if they have been to China, so please let them know about the competition details and encourage them to send in their best shots!

Please feel free to contact me with any queries regarding competition details, my email is


Changing China:  A Young Photographers Competition to Celebrate  Confucius Institute Day

Dear Colleague,

China is a bright, vibrant country, packed with life and colour, ancient and modern contrasts and surprising sights everywhere you look.

Do your pupils have some amazing photos of China to share with us? Entries are now invited for the following categories:

Single Photograph Categories:

  • "Colours and Contrasts of China"

  • "Street life"

  • "Unexpected China"

Portfolio Category:

  • "Impressions of China" a collection of five photographs

Each individual photograph entered must include a title and a brief description.

Each portfolio entry must include 100 words, describing your experience.

Prizes will be given to the top two entries in each category, and your photographs will be included in a gallery exhibition at the IOE, to celebrate Confucius Institute Day on Saturday 27th September

What are you waiting for? Let us see your China!

Entry Details

  • Entry is free

  • Competition is open to anyone 18 years old or under, until Saturday 13th September 2014

  • All entries must be your own work

  • Images must not be digitally altered

  • Only digital images can be accepted

  • Up to 5 individual photographs are allowed

  • Parents' permission to enter is required if you are under 16

    Please email your entries by 5pm, Saturday 13th September 2014 to: