Ceilidh Plus - Traditional Dance Forum Scotland
We are delighted to inform you that SCEN is supporting the Traditional Dance Forum Scotland to promote the event of “Ceilidh Plus” on Sat 02/11/2024 18:30-21:30 at Community Church Edinburgh - King’s Hall, Edinburgh EH8 9NZ. There will be Ceilidh, as well as Chinese 广场舞 and American line dance that evening. All three dance styles will be accompanied by live music/musicians. Please find more information by visiting: https://www.tdfs.org/ten-out-of-ten/.
If you would like to attend, please book the tickets here: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/traddanceforumscotland/ceilidh-plus-enjoy-ceilidh-dances-and-tunes-from-scotland-china-and-the-usa/e-rrokka