British Academy Schools Language Awards 2015

Win £4000 to get more of your students to aim higher!

As part of its programme to support and champion the learning of languages, the British Academy is again offering a series of Awards to schools and colleges throughout the UK for the encouragement of excellence in language learning. This year the Awards focus on activity which encourages more students to take language learning to a higher level.

The Awards are intended to encourage schools to find imaginative and effective ways of improving take up and enthusiasm for language learning into S5, S6 and beyond, which build partnerships and address the social imbalance in the profile of language learners at higher levels.

The Awards are open to all secondary schools and colleges and cover all languages other than English, including those learnt as community languages. A total of 15 Awards of £4000 each will be made to schools throughout the UK and at least one Award will go to a winning proposal from Scotland. One outstanding project from across the UK will receive an additional £2000.

Supplementary Education

The British Academy are also offering Awards for innovative and exciting projects throughout the UK that encourage larger numbers of supplementary school students to take language learning to a higher level where they can use the language in the workplace and their future careers to benefit others. Schools could win £4,000 or more to put their ideas into action.

The deadline for applications for both awards is Tuesday 30 June 2015. Visit the British Academy website for more information and to apply.


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Tinderbox Showcase Tuesday 31 March 2015