SCEN - Scotland China Education Network

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Scottish Cabinet Secretary's Message on SCEN

Unfortunately the Cabinet Secretary was unwell and unable to attend the SCEN China Youth Summit at Gleneagles. He has written this marvellous commendation of the Scotland China Education Network:

I was delighted to hear that the event was highly successful with lots of inspiring presentations by young people from local authority and independent schools across Scotland. I would like to applaud you and SCEN for all the hard work that went into the whole Scotland in Conversation with China programme culminating in Monday's youth summit. The range of events exploring Scotland's and China's economic, cultural and educational links was truly impressive. The partnership that SCEN developed with Scotland's universities and their Chinese partners to put on this vibrant series of events and seminars has been a valuable contribution to furthering mutual understanding between the two countries.

I was also delighted to receive your kind gift (The Silent Traveller in Edinburgh) and I look forward to reading about Chiang Yee's observations about his time in Edinburgh.

Michael Russell MSP

Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning