SCEN - Scotland China Education Network

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SCEN Early Learning of Chinese Project

The SCEN Early Learning of Chinese Project in East Lothian was celebrated at the splendid Brunton Theatre in Musselburgh on 12 June. Simon Macaulay led us all as we appreciated inspiring performances in Mandarin by Primary 1 pupils.

Councillor Shami Akhtar,  Leader of the Education Committee of East Lothian Council, introduced the Celebration, and Mr Zhang Huazhong, Deputy Consul General for the PR of China enjoyed the occasion with his wife, Mrs Ting Yang. He said that they could understand all the Chinese spoken and he made a really tremendous speech.

The talented and committed students from China at the University of Edinburgh, brought together by EUSA's Student Activities department, received certificates from SCEN and EUSA to mark their great volunteering work.

The Primary 1 staff from East Lothian who led the project in the classroom are on the way to professional recognition by the General Teaching Council for Scotland!

You see some of the volunteers here.