SCEN - Scotland China Education Network

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New Confucius Institute for the University of Aberdeen

Congratulations to Professor Barbara Fennell, now Director of the Confucius Institute for the University of Aberdeen!

The launch on 27 September was superb. The First Minister was most enthusiastic and there were also warm speeches by the Consul General Mr Li Ruiyou, by the Minister Counsellor at the London Embassy, by the President of Wuhan University and by Professor Sir Ian Diamond, the Principal of the University of Aberdeen.

The bright and glorious occasion was accompanied by splendid events: Tai Chi, delightful songs by the pupils of Danestone Primary School, who were supported by their Headteacher George Roberts, resplendent in his kilt; Lynette Martin, who spoke eloquently in Mandarin and introduced pupils from Hazlehead Academy.

A marvellous moment occurred when a pupil from Danestone removed a spider from the First Minister's hair!  She has kept it safely.

The atmosphere was collaborative and supportive; it all augurs well for the continued development of Chinese and learning about China in the North East and for co-operation across Scotland.