SCEN - Scotland China Education Network

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International School Report Launch

Demand for international school in China is rising rapidly, and not just among expatriate families. For the many Western expats who come to China to live and work, as well as others from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, selecting a school has always been a priority. But now more Chinese families are also seeking an overseas-style education for their children at home in China, complete with the different teaching styles, curriculum and multidimensional environment that it brings.

Based on this demand, CBBC has completed a report on the 'China International Schools Market', the aim of this report is to provide support to UK schools to become China ready. CBBC will be hosting a launch event in London to introduce this report. We have invited a number of expert speakers from DIT, ISC Research, COBIS and Bird & Bird to share their thoughts and experiences with us. 

This event will also offer UK schools a 1-2-1 matchmaking opportunity to engage with school principals from China to discuss further collaboration.  

The event will focus on the following topics:

  • What are the features of an international education in China, opportunities and challenges, laws and regulations

  • Chinese Bilingual School vs. International School: two models, Integration of Chinese and Western Cultures

  • Successful stories & case studies of introducing UK schools to China


13:30      Registration and Networking

14:00      Welcome and Introduction - Ms. Nathalie Cachet-Gaujard, Director - Education & Innovation, China-Britain Business Council, UK

14:05      CBBC International School Report - Ms. Ann Pan, International Schools Sector Lead,  China-Britain Business Council, China

14:10      DIT Education and GREAT Campaigns in China - Ms. Qin Li, Assistant Director, Education, Department for International Trade

14:20      International Schools Market Overview - Mr. Richard Gaskell, Director for International Schools, ISC Research Ltd

14:30      UK Schools Exporting Successes - Ms. Sakina Zafar, Academic Officer, COBIS

14:40      What International/Bilingual Schools in China need

               Ms. Minjing Shen, Principal and Chief School Inspector, Ulink South China

               Mr. Alexander Li, A-Level Centre Principal, Zhengzhou Foreign Language School

               Ms. Eva Yue, Vice President of Admin & Human Resources, Yung's Education Group 

               Ms Fay Wang, General Manager of ST-Bell Investment

15:40      International Schools Models in China, Laws and Regulations - Mr. Mark Abell, Partner, Bird & Bird LLP

15:50      1-2-1 Matchmaking Session

17:00      Networking & Event Close,-12-septem/

As well as serving as the launch for the report we have put out for international schools in China, there will also be a small delegation, as follows:

Chinese Delegates Information

Minjing Shen

Principal and Chief School Inspector              

Ulink South China             

Alexander Li


Zhengzhou Foreign Language School A-Level  Centre

Eva Yue

Vice President 

Yung's Education Group                     

Fay Wang

General Manager

ST Bell Investment                                                                                        

Who should attend:

  • Senior Management team of schools dealing with China

  • Directors of International Relations, Director of International Development

  • Finance Directors

  • HR Directors

Registration -  This event is for UK Schools only