SCEN - Scotland China Education Network

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Chinese Independent Documentary III: Wu Wenguang and the Folk Memory Project

For the third instalment of our Chinese Independent Documentary series we are delighted to announce the return of China’s foremost independent documentary filmmaker, Wu Wenguang, to the University of Edinburgh this May.

Join us on Friday 31 May in the Screening room (G.04) at 50 George Square for an afternoon of cutting edge documentary, insightful lectures, discussions and “meet the artist” conversations over drinks and nibbles.

“Knocking on Memory’s Door with the Video Camera. A handful of people took video cameras and went back to their respective villages. They went in search of the old generation that was still living there in dim, stark houses. They went to uncover the memories hidden deep inside them…” - Wu Wenguang


14.00-15.30 Film screening: Investigating my Father, 2016 (80mins) -  Wu Wenguang
15.30 Tea & Coffee
16.00-17.00 Presentation: The Art of Unforgetting: Folk Memory Project, Wu Wenguang & Zhang Mengqi
17.00 Drinks & Canapés
17.30-19.00 Film screening: Self-portrait: Sphex in 47 KM, 2019 (110mins) - Zhang Mengqi
19:00 Drinks reception

This event is free and you are welcome to join us for the whole afternoon or just one or two sessions, however booking is essential. To book, please click HERE.

For more details please see attached eflyer or follow the link to our website HERE.